Saturday, February 10, 2007

A New Look !!!

YES!!!!!!!!!!! The ONE thing which I've been considering about....PERMING my hair! BIG curls that is...and I've finally gathered enough courage to get it done! Believe it or's my very first hair-perming experience and it's worth every single penny! I just love my new hairdo!

Ok..I've been comtemplating the idea of getting my hair permed or quite a while but never got it done until now! So Feb 8, 2007 will remain a historical day for my hair because that's when it's transformed and gave me a brand new could say that a new look for a new PIG year!

I've done some surveys on the big curls on the net and I really like this one............ *check it out*....the hairsyle...and not Drew!

So there I was, at my trusted hairstylist's saloon in Hartamas, showing him this particular picture.....

"I want those curls. Can you do it?" - Aniston

"Not a problem!" - Bob

And so begun my four-hour stay at the saloon, anticipating for my new hairdo~

Post perm...........voila!!!!!


Kristy Geraldine said...

looking good, babe...
i wish i cld do something to my straightened-turned-boring hair for the CNY...

Anonymous said...

Ur feeling vain? the hairdryer will come in handy....

Kathryne said...

yea....damn vain nowadays...been spending longer time in the room beautifying my hair after shower.......vanity really sinks in deeper now! The hairdryer can really make wonders, esp. the fuser!