The first year we got married - Broke! A month after the wedding... NO allocation for it!
The subsequent year - just got pregnant; hence wait for the baby's arrival!
The 3rd year - Zach's still so young., he probably doesnt understand what Christmas is all about, let alone a tree? So, no need to get it!
The fourth year - Christmas in Spore. No point getting it!
The fifth year - "I think it's about time we get that free we've been thinking about since 4 years ago!," I told hubby. "Zach, do you want a Christmas tree?" "Yes!"
So off we went hunting for one! First to Ikea for all the decoratives....was told it was cheaper there...maklumlah, semua benda mahal mahal sekarang....boleh jimat tu, jimat la setakat mana yang boleh! Couldnt find any tree there except for the real ones! No way! And buy another one next year? A waste of our precious money, isnt it?

Then off to One U for the perfect tree! Found one which I fell in love with but unfortunately "Stok habis la!" was the reply from the guy at Living Quarters. How dissappointed we were....sigh....Things dont always go our way, do they?
Well, so we settled for a not-so-nice tree...or so we thought. Slightly cheaper but looks alright...a tree is still a freaking tree!!!!

There! Nice and steady.....a seven-footer...I'm a kiasu.....saw the 6 footer and thought it was too small....decided on the 7 footer! Now we are all towered by the tree in the house! It's a 8-footer plus that huge star!
Must admit that I miss those time we had decorating the tree at mom's place. It happens every single miss!!!! We would excitedly take the tree out from the box and put up the decoratives one by one until the whole tree is full and nice. So being unable to do so for the past 4 years since I got married really got me missing the excitement of putting up the tree.
So there I was...sitting down there patiently opening up the leaves one by one and finally getting all the decoratives up and about! Not with some disturbance from my lil rascal every now and then and not to mention, some voice-raising on "Zach! Dont throw the balls like that. You are gonna break them!" "Zach! Stop pulling those leaves!" "Zach! dont shake the tree like that!" "Zach! don't touch those light bulbs!".....well....the stress about putting up a tree with a toddler around!

Finally! Our very own golden Christmas tree!
I'm all geared up for the celebration! Pressies to buy and wrap (the best part of all)..but before that....the agonising thoughts of what to buy for whom....urgh! It's never an easy task! Worse still for the men the family! It is just so difficult to find the right gifts for those guys! I've gone through the phase of getting belts, shirts, wallets, perfumes, towels, socks, key chains......any other ideas anyone? Nevertheless, I've always enjoyed buying gifts and sharing the love around tis's just so nice and fun to be giving and sharing during this joyful time of the year!