Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Boys'Prayer

So proud of my boys' ability to recite The Lord's Prayer at their respective age!
Zach mastered it about 6 months ago and he's been reciting it in his nightly prayer before bed ever since. Word by word without any hiccups! At 5.5 yo, this is considered an achievement cos mommy only managed to do it whn she was around 8!

So it was only natural for hubby and I to expect Roy to carry out the same task at around 5 yo! Boy we were wrong! That lil boy must have memorised it word by word hearing his big brother's recital every night and he could actually recite it to us for the first time last week! Did I mention that he's not even 4????? and he still cant read and write proper sentences!

Hence they have been taking turns reciting the prayer each night. Without miss!

I managed to capture them on video :)

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

12th and 9th Valentine's Day

The whole world celebrated the big V day 3 days ago...and so did we ;)
It was our 12th Valentine's day as a couple and 9th as husband and wife :)

Love was indeed in the air and we could not have asked for a better V day celebrated with each other and with our beloved munchkins! And what a day it was as we both reminisced it with much sweet memories of the day. It was exactly 9 years ago in 2003 that the proposal was made and agreed :) TWELVE & NINE years on and we feel so blessed to have found each other and also with the arrivals of both our munchkins. God has been kind to us and we truly cherish what we are blessed with so far.....
No big gifts needed to make us feel the love and happiness we have been blesssed with on this special day of love...just the fact that we have each other - that's all it matters......

Thanking God everyday for His blessing and love provided for me and mine.........

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

My Roy

Roy, my almost 4yo boy has been quite a chatterbox lately...he just wouldnt stop talking! Not that I'm complaining anyway. He's been quite an entertainer lately with his non-stop chatters and we are amused at times by the new words and verbal expressions he comes up with...
Scenario #1
*referring to my question of asking him his favorite Power Ranger characters*
Roy: i like all colors except black & red
Me: oh. So u dont like black and red?
Roy: no! I like all colors except black & red
*I finally figured he actually meant to say that he likes all of them INCLUDING black & red*
He seems to want to put the words that he learnt to use but somehow got his meanings haywire. Haha!
Scenario #2
Singing to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it..."
Roy: if you're happy and you know it BE NAUGHTY!
*Zach & I couldnt stop laughing when we first heard him sang this...*

Scenario #3
Roy: mommy. Can we go Japan?
Me: why do you wanna go to Japan?
Roy: bcos I wanna eat unagi, tempura, egg & rice
*ya! He actually meant he wanna go to a Japanese Restaurant. Yes! Those are his favorite food and Yes! He knows the menu by heart!*
Scenario #4
*having a conversation with daddy about the monsters from Ultraman - his favorite hero*
Daddy: what is this called? (holding a figurine of a monster)
Roy: His name is Gamurah
Daddy: oh! Gumbra!
Roy: no! He is Ga-mu-rah. L.O.R.Y. - GA-MU-RAH!
*he actually spelt out those letters (LORY) addresing to the word "Gamurah" tho he doesnt hav a clue on how the word is spelled exactly. He just wanted to correct his daddy on the right pronunciation. *
Needless to say - daddy was bemused and yet finds it hilarious....
Those are just some of his conversations we had with Roy lately that I felt I should blog about for my memory sake....and to think that we had a fear that he might have a speech problem when he couldnt even utter a single word even after his 2nd birthday! This fella is such a joy to hav around and of cos we are thankful that we didnt hav to make the trip to see a speech therapist we initially planned to.
And he has mastered the skill in memorising and reciting The Lord's Prayer! At the tender age of 3! Word by word! We couldnt be more proud :)

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Sunday, February 05, 2012

Family first...

They are my priority....
nothing should come first before them and nothing shall break the ties I have with them.
We might have our disagreement at times, but nothing can come between us and destroy the love we have for each other.
These are the people I treasure most in my life....
Finally some quiet and quality time spent together this CNY.


Finally a "lo sang" pic taken with my beloved family members....


Part of my heart & soul...

The whole clan. Tht's Serene btw (2nd from left)

Mine :)

The jokers of the family...

Future "jokers" in training! Haha

Genuinely happy ...

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Thursday, February 02, 2012

I'm a Godma!

Yes! I'm a mom to 2 sons and a Godma to a godson! and His name is Dylan Cain Lim Ji Ren. Well, he's the beloved munchkin #2 of my beloved BFF and he was already made my godchild way before his gender was known in his mommy's tummy!

Born on 18 November 2011, Dylan is indeed a joy to his parents and of cos ME! His proud Godmommy! Yes! Maybe I shall ask him to call me that when he starts to learn how to talk - GODMOMMY!

Dont be deceived by this picture! He looks huge here but he's not. Ok! Mayb some chubby cheeks...that's all.....hehe

We were out in the mall for lunch but we spent most of our time in the nursing room - all bcos of this cutie pie and his huge appetite! hahahaha

Satisfied after being fed.... *burp*

Cant wait to hear him call me GODMOMMY! I'll be the happiest Godma in the whole wide world!

Come to think of it, I havent got a shot of Dylan and myself alone! Note to self this coming Sunday when Dylan comes visit his Godmommy for CNY -  A PICTURE WITH GODSON!

Influx of photos!

Was going through the thousands of photos on my iPhoto and came across some of the cutest shots of my beloved munchkins and of cos some memorable ones taken less than a year ago and over the past few months!

I shall call this post my super loaded-favorite-big-ass-photos post! hehe

My beloved BFF! She is the one who stood by me through thick and thin (cliche but true) and she is one who would not hide her feelings, thoughts, and opinions from me. Yes! she is one sharp shooter when it comes to conversations and I truly adore and cherish this friendship I found 14 years ago! Glad that I found her and glad that she came into my life! Love this girl to bits!

No description needed for this. My love, my life, my everything! The MAN of my life!

Almost forgot this shot of my beloved Munchkin #2! This was taken for his China visa

Passport shots of my boys!

Love this candid shot! Kids are just so genuine and natural....

Partners in crime!

Mafia King!

Thats Sophia....Yes I've considered kidnapping her and make her my very own! Haha! Isnt she the cutest baby?????????

An upclose shot of Soph...

I dug out this mugshot of myself graduating from kindergarten! My boys couldnt recognise me a bit! Did my look change that much????

My macho back from tennis workshop.....

I love discovering toys left behind by my boys, especially Roy. It's as if they are marking their territories in the house and all these small lil gestures just put a smile on my face. Dont ask me why but I just love seeing scenes like this around the house....

My MEN, My BOSSES, My LIFE, My EVERYTHING! Cant imagine my life without any of them!

His first attempt at cycling....

Playing 'doctor' with daddy...

My PRECIOUS! Would not exchange them for anything in this world!

Cheeky Chubbies! Dont they look alike???? 
Zach and his cousin Sean - of the same chubby genes? Lol...

One of those rare moments when my boys actually posed properly and looked into the camera for a family shot :) This was taken in Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam - the place hubby & I held our wedding reception 8 years ago! Truly a walk down memorylane....with much love, happiness and joy...

<3 <3 <3