Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weird findings...

I was busy doing some pest control around my hse yesterday evening when I made a weird discovery........

...my wedding ring right in the middle of my back garden!!

It's weird n shocking cos I remember clearly that I have left the ring in the drawer next t o my bed 2 weeks back and I haven't worn it til...well, the time I found it yesterday cos I was having some rashes on my finger.... So, how the hell did the ring made its appearance in my garden? And how weird is that for me....of all person....ME who found it and no one else? The ring is sure fated to be MINE!

Just when I tot I had a weird day with such finding in the garden....something else happened.....

try figure out wht this is.....

can u figure out wht this is?

no? scroll down.....

muahahahahahhaha.....it's my toe nail! My beloved painted nail. How it happened? Well, I had an accident on my toe while pushing the trolley one day whilst pregnant and it turned black! Then as days and months went by, my nail began to crack and it finally broke into half when I (ironically) kicked my toe onto the wheel of a trolley months after tht. It was a painful and bloody experience....OUCH! From then my nail just refuse to grow properly and I had to have a nail extension done a few times when I did my pedicure. And for whatever reason, the WHOLE nail decided to leave my toe yesterday! The full, whole nail.....the artificial one intact with my natural nail chose to elope together! I'm now left with 9 nicely painted nails with an ugly, unpainted big toe! *nope. no pictures. it's abit gory tho*

Hence, Nov 10, 2008 shall officially be declared as my "Weird Day!"

Nope..I'm not done yet with my ring story....
Weird n funny thoughts ran through my mind the whole night til this morning...

1. Whoever took it must have drop it in the garden in the midst of escaping after stealing it.....(possible)

2. It must have hopped out from my drawer and landed in the garden.....(wild imagination)

3. I must have sleep-walked one night and dropped it.....creepy....

4. A bird came into my room, bit it and flew off with it before realising it's no food, hard, yet heavy and decided to drop it while flying around the garden..... (ok, tht's a bit exaggerating)

5. Zach must have opened my drawer, tried wearing it and went to garden and dropped it without realising it....(yes! tht must be it!) Hmm.....why didnt I thought of that in the first place?

...I did ask him about it this morning and true enough...he admitted taking it but couldnt answer me when I asked him where he left it......my question is finally answered....

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Today - Nov 8....5 years back....

The union of Kathryne & Goh...

5 years after....

and 2 makes 4...


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Damn the virus....

I was damn happy with the mp3 files that I've dowloaded over the weekend, namely Jason Mraz, Natasha Bedingfield and One Republic when this window suddenly popped up and notified me that my computer has been infected with not ONE but over 30 viruses!!!!!!!!
And it's only been barely 2 weeks since I got my laptop!!!!

There I thought that I could rely on the trial verson of the Antivirus that I've got..but somehow it didnt do the work it was supposed to and I'm left with the mp3s that I've wanted but also some extra gifts - those stupid viruses!!!!!!!

And ppl told me that it's ok to have caught some viruses...."Just download the antivirus from the net. Solve your problem. - period_"

No way!!!! my bro in law, whom we all refer to as Dr Computer came to my rescue tht weekend itself. Tried to downlaod the antivirus software that he has but to no avail. Apparently Windows Vista is still pretty new that older versions of antivirus software cannot perform they way they should be on Vista. Double doom for me!

The solution I was told - get a pirated (or cracked) version of the most updated antivirus software from the market and your problem will be solved. It only costs RM10.

So the very day itself (which was yesterday) I made my way to Pyramid to get the thing I was supposed to.
End result - got a genuine antivirus program instead. The salesman somehow managed to convince me with his recommendation of the latest version of antivirus siftware - Kaspersky Internet Security 2009.
Was expecting to spend 10 bucks on the cracked Antivirus 2009, but forked out 130 bucks extra for a genuine one instead. Ouch!

Mission #1 accomplished!

Back home - I couldnt wait to install the cd the minute I got home but not without spending almost 2 hours of putting the kids to sleep and whatever there is to do before I could have some peaceful time of my own. Cut the story short - managed to accomplish mission #2 (disinfecting the viruses) today at ard 3 pm!!! A freaking 5 hours since morning. Not before having some trials n errors of installing and setting up the sofware. Forgive me for I'm an amateur when it comes to rectifying IT problems...... Darn...tht's a very long time to get rid of those unwanted pests in my system! Anyway...all's well now...or so I hope.....looks good to me so far.....tht antivirus better prove its worth for my laptop for the next 1 year. I dont expect anymore harm in my system now that I've spent on the software.

Mr Kaspersky; you better do your magic as what you promised on the cover of the CD! haha

Thru a toddler's mind...

One Monday morning....

Zach (rubbing his eyes) : Where is daddy?

Mommy (still in bed...blur): Daddy went to work

Zach: But I want daddy to stay at home and play with me.

Mommy: Daddy played with you yesterday. Daddy has to work today. He will play with you on Sunday again. Daddy doesnt work on Sundays. Today is Monday.

Drawing the curtain open.... Zach: Look mommy! The sun is up. It's Sunday wat.

Mommy: *speechless* for a few seconds. Well, you are right. The sun is up but it's not Sunday today. Today is Monday.

Zach: *confused but accepted mommy's reply*

The innocence of young kids can sometimes open our eyes for things we never would have thought....