Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking back...

Christmas came....Christmas went.... just like that.

We had a small party on Christmas eve at home with only family members and I must say it was not a bad one afterall *wink*

Had great food, wine, wine and wine.......and of course the company of family members made it all sweet and merry. The pressies were alright....although I've yet to get one from hubby....haha....We shall hav a shopping trip tomorrow (New Year's day) and hopefully, I'll come home with something I wish for! *wink* Hubby's gonna scratch his head pretty hard! hehe

New year's's tomorrow! So, as usual, it's time for us to look back to the past year and reflect on the events that took place. As for me, I'd consider 2008 quite a fruitful and eventful year because much have happened and it changed my life somehow or rather.

Event #1.
I gave birth to my 2nd son, Roy in April. Another addition to the Goh-Yeoh brood. Now, I've got 2 HUGE responsibilities to my shoulders. But it's a such a joy to be able to bring beautiful lives into the world and nurture them with all the love and care as parents. My 2 sons are my greatest love (ahem, ok. apart from hubby, that is) and it makes me shudder to think anything bad should happen to them. I guess that's a mother's natural instinct. Afterall, a mother's duty is to protect her brood! My new year's wish is for the good health of my 2 wonderful kids (and all my loved ones) and may Zach & Roy grow up to be fine young men and bring cheers and happiness to the society. Ok.....I better stop sounding like an old woman~

Event #2.
We moved into our new nest and that indeed made a lot of difference to us in terms of our lifestyle and the surroundings of our new neighbourhood are just fascinating and calming. We just love the serenity here and thought that it's one of the best decisions we ever made in purchasing a property in this area. The kids love it here too! Not to mention friends and family members who visited and shall visit us more often, we hope !

Event #3.
Hubby and I got our eyes lasik-ed! Yup, to think back that we actually got the guts to go thru such surgery and all the risk involved. Well, we went thru it and now we are glad that we did it! The convenience and breeze of not wearing our specs/contact lens anymore just made it all worth the risk taken! Hubby is glad that he can finally get the sunglasses of his choice without having to have the 'eyesight power' coated onto the lens and restricted to only limited choice of sunglasses for that purpose. He could simply grab one from the shelf and wear it there and then! It was indeed another best decision we both made. To have clearer vision for year 2009! haha

Ok. Those events are the major ones that happened...of course there were some tiny, miny events too, which I dont think it's important enough to be mentioned here. And enough of the what's next for 2009? I've got a couple of thoughts/plans for the coming year and hope that they will turn out the way I expect them to. I shall try not to make any resolutions though. (except for #4. hehe) Only simple plans which I hope to make them happen.

#1. Start my own business. There've been a couple of business which ran thru my mind (and hubby's too) for quite some time. Wine, boutique, franchise business on beauty products, fast food, cafeteria, housing projects, just to name a few. Hope I'll be able to blog about the success of at least one of the mentioned business. Wish me luck!

#2. Beautify my garden. Ok. You dont need much plan to do that. But I hope I'll be able to put in some passion into turning my garden into a small sanctuary where we can enjoy the tranquility of nature in our very own home. How? Plant more trees and flowers? We shall see the magic of my creativity. Will blog abt it!

#3. Be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, friend.... Ok. This sounds more like a resolution than a plan now. Whatever.

#4. My resolution every year - Slim down! ....hahaha....I know it's not gonna be easy but I'll try. Sigh. Still a few more kgs to shed. No excuse of being pregnant twice though. Look at Victoria Beckham! Urgh!!!!!

OK. I better stop planning or else I'll be depressed when all these dont happen!

Here's a toast to a better and fruitful year!

May all turns out well for everyone!

Party Smart, people!

Remember: Safety First!

Have fun and see u all in 2009!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Super Sunday

Last Sunday was indeed a DAY.

First, I had a BLAST at Mamma Mia, by West End and it was FANTASTIC! After all the positive and nothing but the best feedback from the media and audience is no doubt one of the best shows I've been to! The feelings of being there were really fabulous and it just got me jiving and humming to all those ABBA tunes all the time!

Then it was hubby's birthday celebration at home. It's also extra special for hubby this year because his parents were around and of course with Roy, celebrating it with daddy for the first time makes it all sweet and memorable.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yuletide Joy

Christmas is here? in less than a week! Wow......and it'll eventually lead to a whole new year once again and that's when all unrealistic resolutions come into picture.....

I remember once making a few resolutions....which sadly weren't fulfilled completely. Well, they are afterall....RESOLUTIONS.....wishful thinking and thoughts that are not going to be penalised if we didnt fulfil them....hahahaha.... So I've come to making the same resolution every year.....which is....NEVER TO MAKE ANY RESOLUTION! haha.....

So, what is Christmas to me? It's always a joyful occasion for me and we celebrate it each year since I knew the meaning of this day. As a matter of fact, Christmas eve to me is even more meaningful than Christmas day itself cos that's the day we look forward to much merriment, family gathering, fellowship with friends and family and of cos what is a complete Christmas without pressies? *grin*

OK....maybe we have diverted Christmas from its true form of meaning...but how can we not when the atmosphere around us are filled with gifts, jingles, carols and nicely decorated trees! It all blends into the traditional meaning of Christmas day - the day Jesus was born to bring hope and cheers to mankind. And that's when we human incorporate the same meaning into our Christmas celebration annually - bringing cheers, happiness and smiles to our loved ones and the unfortunate ones as well. It's the same occasion each year when charities are being done and many smiles are seen upon the faces of children and adults alike. It's also a time when money is being spent with one intention in mind - to see the smile of loved ones when they unwrap to find the gifts they wished for fulfilled :)

Well, Christmas will be somehow different for me this year : -

1. It's gonna be the first Christmas for Roy

2. Hubby invited his family from Tgg to spend the joy with us

3. We are holding a small party at our new nest

4. And of course....more pressies bought this year for everyone attending the much-anticipated gathering in our nest....somehow the numbers of pressies for me to get increases each year.

So, have I done my Christmas shopping? Well, I hope I've got my list completed. And I'm kinda glad that I've somehow got the gifts selected pretty well for each and every family member and friend of mine and whoever you are reading this and getting a gift from me, be thankful! I've makde numerous trips to the malls to ensure I've got the right gifts for all of you.



Saturday, December 06, 2008

Perfect Eyesight

Another life-changing experience for me took place yesterday at exactly 4.20pm.
I got my vision corrected to its original state! Ok....I got my eyes lasered.

Well the exact surgery is called Laser Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) whereby the top flap of on the cornea is lifted up for a while for the utilization of the Excimer Laser to correct one's vision by evening out the curvature of the cornea to achieve a desired correction. Upon completion of the laser procedure, the flap is eventually laid back to its original position over the treated corneal tissue. All this done in not more than 10 minutes! just 10 minutes, my life is totally transformed and more specs, no more contact lenses! A person whose vision needs correction like me would understand perfectly how this change is extremely significant to me!

*I was supposed to have this surgery done a year ago. I had my eyes tested and all and I was finally given the thumbs up for being suitable for the surgery and even had appointment for the surgery confirmed when I found out I was pregnant with Roy and had to hav it postponed til yesterday*

Ok...I wouldnt say that there's not a single sensation of pain throughout my experience during the surgery. I would say that the process whereby each flap of my eye is lifted is somehow stinging and to have each eye opened up forcedfully for at least 5 minutes is not a comfortable feeling at all. But then the tought of discarding the use of my specs n contact lens is too enticing and that helped pulled me through the whole 'quite agonising' procedure.My vision was restored 50% right after the surgery and I was given a sleeping pill to help me rest my eyes for about 3 hours and vision was restored almost 100% after I woke up from my beauty sleep. How pleasant! :) Waking up knowing that I wasnt wearing any contact lenses and yet having a clear vision!

I've forgotten how it feels like to have woken up from sleep each morning with clear vision. As a matter of fact, I think that feeling was like more than a decade ago before I had to get my vision corrected in 1993. I have always hated the idea of beeing seen in my glasses (I dont know why but I just hate the look of myself in glasses) so much so I only wear them when I went to school and needed them when I read from the blackboard. I remember clearly the times when I couldnt wait til I turned 15 when I could finally get to wear the contact lens ( I was told that's the age when one's eyes are suitable for contact lenses. Not sure how true is that but that's the age when I first wore them). And I've never looked back eversince without my ever-trusted contact lens. 13 years of contact lens wearing experience and I'm finally free from all the hassle of buying, changing, soaking, putting-on, cleaning.......u name it....whatever that is needed to maintain the use of contact lenses. Not to mention the times when I had my share of eye infections - watery eye, itchy eye, reddish eye, swollen eye, painful eyes, etc.

And now...I'm finally FREE from all those hassle!!! No more worries of:

1. not bringing enough pairs of disposable contact lenses; the saline water; protein tablets; the case, etc for my vacations ( these were the hassle I had to go thru b4 the invention of disposable contact lenses)

2. misplacing my specs and getting all frustrated for not being able to locate it

3. spending tonnes of money purchasing daily disposable contact lenses in bulks

4. going out with itchy/reddish eyes because of eye infection caused by the contact lenses

5. many many many more woes of not having the perfect eyesight!

Well, please excuse me while I dwell into this new happiness of mine *giggle* .....Please forgive me for feeling this way...afterall it's been a long time since I've had perfect vision in my life and I'm glad it's finally restored and I could enjoy the beauty of life without any aid anymore!

Thanks to the brilliant invention of LASIK!!! *wink*