We had a small party on Christmas eve at home with only family members and I must say it was not a bad one afterall *wink*
Had great food, wine, wine and wine.......and of course the company of family members made it all sweet and merry. The pressies were alright....although I've yet to get one from hubby....haha....We shall hav a shopping trip tomorrow (New Year's day) and hopefully, I'll come home with something I wish for! *wink* Hubby's gonna scratch his head pretty hard! hehe
New year's here...in fact...it's tomorrow! So, as usual, it's time for us to look back to the past year and reflect on the events that took place. As for me, I'd consider 2008 quite a fruitful and eventful year because much have happened and it changed my life somehow or rather.
Event #1.
I gave birth to my 2nd son, Roy in April. Another addition to the Goh-Yeoh brood.
Event #3.
Hubby and I got our eyes lasik-ed! Yup, to think back that we actually got the guts to go thru such surgery and all the risk involved. Well, we went thru it and now we are glad that we did it! The convenience and breeze of not wearing our specs/contact lens anymore just made it all worth the risk taken! Hubby is glad that he can finally get the sunglasses of his choice without having to have the 'eyesight power' coated onto the lens and restricted to only limited choice of sunglasses for that purpose. He could simply grab one from the shelf and wear it there and then! It was indeed another best decision we both made. To have clearer vision for year 2009! haha
Ok. Those events are the major ones that happened...of course there were some tiny, miny events too, which I dont think it's important enough to be mentioned here. And enough of the past.....so what's next for 2009? I've got a couple of thoughts/plans for the coming year and hope that they will turn out the way I expect them to. I shall try not to make any resolutions though. (except for #4. hehe) Only simple plans which I hope to make them happen.
#1. Start my own business. There've been a couple of business which ran thru my mind (and hubby's too) for quite some time. Wine, boutique, franchise business on beauty products, fast food, cafeteria, housing projects, just to name a few. Hope I'll be able to blog about the success of at least one of the mentioned business. Wish me luck!
#2. Beautify my garden. Ok. You dont need much plan to do that. But I hope I'll be able to put in some passion into turning my garden into a small sanctuary where we can enjoy the tranquility of nature in our very own home. How? Plant more trees and flowers? We shall see the magic of my creativity. Will blog abt it!
#3. Be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, friend.... Ok. This sounds more like a resolution than a plan now. Whatever.
#4. My resolution every year - Slim down! ....hahaha....I know it's not gonna be easy but I'll try. Sigh. Still a few more kgs to shed. No excuse of being pregnant twice though. Look at Victoria Beckham! Urgh!!!!!
OK. I better stop planning or else I'll be depressed when all these dont happen!
Here's a toast to a better and fruitful year!
May all turns out well for everyone!
Party Smart, people!
Remember: Safety First!
Have fun and see u all in 2009!
1 comment:
Good Luck n may all ur dreams comes true :D
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