A page where my thoughts and parts of my life and experiences will be posted and shared among and read by people whom I know, love or care.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Where is the kids' luggage????
We missed out the kids' luggage??????
Yup...we DID!
Everyone's luggage was unloaded and the kids' was nowhere in sight.......
I mean????? there were 6 adults and we had missed out ONE huge luggage? GReat! Just Great!
Anyway.....we made it to the flight; with the kids' luggage, of course! - but not before going through the stress of trying to go back and get it, going through long queues during check-in AND best of all, having our names announced through the PA system - how embarrasing!
It's my VERY first time experiencing such stressful, dramatic, time-chasing and tensed moments throughout my travelling experiences.....well, it's definitely not something worth experiencing.....
Oh yes...did I mention that it was a trip to Club Med Bali?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A proud mom...
So I asked him....
Mom: Zach, what is this? A trophy for you? Top 5 in your class?! Wow!
Zach (bluntly, oblivious to my excitement): Yeah...teacher Aaron gave it to me today because I'm a good boy....
Well.....I guess he's still young to understand what academic achievement is all about....
I found out later that he was chosen, together with 4 others in his class as the Top 5 achievers (no exact positions tho) throughout his one-year in school. No paper tests whatsoever (cos afterall, he's only 4); but just from observations by his class teacher on his overall performance in school in 2009.
Boy, I'm ONE proud mother indeed, tho lil fellow is only in kindy.......Bravo, Zach!
More similar achievements in future I hope...*fingers crossed*
I hope I dont turn into kiasu mother.....just hope to see my kids achieve great results academically....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Disappointment and recoveries...

Ordered this (above).....
But got this instead cos the former was too small and somehow it looks weird on me. The latter has got bigger rings and I finally settled for it. The ones in silver and gold interlocks doesnt come in a bigger size. Hence the purchase of the one with 2 silver interlocks.
So I would't say I was disappointed....I still got what I wanted..only some changes in colors and sizes. I'm still a happy woman over the weekend :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Good parenting???
Boy! I had wild imaginations running through my mind thinking of the injuries that poor girl might suffer and all based on K's descriptions on how she landed on her face, flat and turned her neck 180" with a 'crack' sound! That 'crack' sound relaly made me worried to death that I didnt know what to say to K. I didnt want to make things worse for her so I just told her to be calm and since she's on the way to the Emergency Room, lets see what the doctors say and then only we shall take the next course of action. I was praying silently in my heart, hoping that everything would be fine.
Well, everything turned out well afterall.........PHEW!!!!!! The girl didnt suffer any serious injuries or whatsoever, just some bruises on her nose and forehead. Other than that, she's perfectly fine! That 'crack' could well possibly be the thumping sound effect from her hard fall onto the floor which might have been mistaken for a broken neck by the poor mother.....
Now....not bad for a recovery from a 15 month-old baby from a hard fall, as described by her mother! Falling flat-faced onto the floor with a somersault landing and only a couple of bruises on the nose and forehead? She'll grow up to be a very tough girl, I suppose....
Just when I hung up with K on the phone after she informed me of her precious daughter's super-fall, I received a MSN message from another friend telling me that she accidentally slammed her car door and injured her 5 year-old son's finger!
Sigh.......2 news on children accidents in a span of 20 minutes?....
Now...that really got me thinking.....
Are we, parents to be blamed entirely when accidents happen to our kids? I mean, it's not as if we are not careful or whatsoever in taking care of them but somehow, someway, sometime things just happen and we just cant avoid them....
Well, I've faced what my friends went through...
- Zach rolled off the sofa when he was like 5 months old? He just rolled over and *thump* landed on the floor the minute I put him down and turned myself around...it all happened in like less than 5 seconds????
- Zach fell off the edge of the bed a few times and landed on his palms.....worst was the one where he landed at the corner of the bed and got a bad bruise right at the corner of his eye! It was a mm away and he could just be blinded by it? I trembled, thinking how bad it could end.....
- Zach fell off 2 steps from the stairs and bit himself on his lips - that was bloodied and I actually cried with him....his lips grew double the size immediately after the fall! That was when he was around 1 year old..
- At 3, he fell down 4 steps from the whole flight of staircase....
- He was 8 months old when he put his fingers near a candle and burned his skin on 3 fingers! *I happen to have a pic of that particular incident...*
- Roy fell off the bed twice in a week when he was barely a year old....
- Roy - jumped and fell hard on a mahjung marble and bit his upper lip - that was pretty bad......
- and countless fall here and there by both boys while playing at home, in the garden, playground, anywhere and everywhere.....swellings, bruises, cuts here and there....I could just go on and on on the injuries my kids suffered and definitely more to come....
*notice those blackened fingers??...*
So, are we to blame when they fall and hurt themselves? Well, as parents, we definitely feel bad and blame ourselves when accidents do happen to our children. But most of the times, they are just unavoidable, unexpected and unpreventable. Hence, we should not blame ourselves entirely *tho we may have heartaches seeing our children in pain; or hearing their deafening cries*.....what we could do is to try our best to provide a safe environment for our children and bear in mind that accidents might/could/would happen anywhere, anytime but not anyhow. As long as we ensure their safety whenever or whereever we may be, we might just prevent the worst from happening but sometimes we just cant avoid the unexpected ones.....
Accidents happen. Kids fall.
They need to learn from their own mistakes (or the consequences of their curiosity and inquisitive nature) and feel the pain to learn what danger is all about.... the word itself will not leave a mark in their head; but the pain definitely would!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Anyway, speaking of legacy, hubby and I went for Michael Jackson "This Is It" movie last night - the final day of showing in cinemas worldwide (apparently) and boy were we mesmerized by the man himself! He was almost 51 and he could still do his stunts he did 30 years back! And he blended so well with his backup dancers who are like probably 30 years younger than him?

It was indeed worth every minute, cents and effort we had to catch the man ALIVE in that movie. Afterall it's the last piece and video captures of him alive before his untimely death in June this year. Some of the clips shown were the ones taken less than 24hrs before he was found dead! Somehow, someway we still have unbelievable feeling that the man is actually dead and gone! He looked so energetic and healthy in the video that it's just hard to believe that he died the next day!
I actually had tears in my eyes watching the man so intense in his performance that I wish all this was still a joke and that he'd jump out from the screen and tell us that the whole movie was just a snippets of his much-antcipated concert and that he is still very much alive and look forward to his performance live in London! Boy! it's been 5 months since he died and I still find it difficult to accept that MJ is gone forever.....
Kenny Ortega, the director for MJ's supposingly comeback concert did the perfect job in the movie by having some clips edited and made into such an amazing piece of artwork by the great King of Pop. It was indeed a movie filled with emotions, both happy and sorrow to see the man himself so involved in the making of what was to become his greatest masterpiece of all. He was so hands-on in his involvement with the crew and all that one would say that he's a true perfectionist when it comes to his profession - all in one objective - to bring out the best for his fans and the enjoyment in his passion for music.
It's such a waste that MJ didnt live long enough to prove it to the world that he deserves all the honour bestowed upon him and that he IS indeed the KING of the Pop the world might not be able to find a replacement for. But then he definitely left behind a very much cherished legacy and memories to his fans that will not be forgotten in a long long time to come akin to the greats of Elvis Presley, John Lennon, etc...
That man could finally rest in peace now and May God Bless his Soul.....
MJ; you are gone too soon, but definitely not loved and remembered too late. Love you forever........
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My latest fetish....
They are gonna be my Christmas pressies to myself....
Hope to meet my new 'babies' by Christmas....

Will Writing
- who will have the rights and authority to access to your bank account in the event of your death? you might not have loads and loads of money in your bank account but it is still vital to appoint an executor to have an access to them and to see that everything is in proper arrangement
- who will be the executor to your loans and debts when you are gone?
- who will take care of your young children should you leave them suddenly? will they be in good hands? will they be able to further their education with the money you've left for them?
- who will continue your business operations when you die?
Well, I've had this thought running in my mind for as long as I remember since I started a family. Therefore I took the next sensible action of having my wills written in black and white to ensure that my family, especially my children's welfare is well taken care of should I leave this world one day. At least when I look at them from whereever I may be after I've left the universe, I can be rest assured that they are in good capable hands of my appointed trustee and guardians and then only I could rest in peace~
So, I'd advice my friends and family to seriously consider having your wills written for this is the only way you can be assured that your loved ones are well taken care of when you are gone.
Consider; write a will today....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A wonderful 6 years....

Two beautiful and meaningful gifts to commemorate our long-lasting marriage.
Thank you, my dear......
Love you always.....