15 Feb 2007
We left for Tgg on 15 Feb 2007 night, 3 days before the big day. It's the same every year since our wedding that we are to spend at least 5 days in the hubby's birth place for the CNY celebration. Well, the journey there wasn't as smooth as we have hoped....Air Asia....what can you expect? the tagline should be changed to "Air Asia - Now everyone can delay!"
Yes, our flight was delayed for a freaking 2 hours! Stuck in the tiny LCCT for a freaking 3 hours including the first anticipated hour!
We finally landed at Tgg airport at 11.30pm! What a journey! As we were looking forward to reaching the in-laws' place for a goodnight rest, we were slapped with yet another unanticipated surprise - Blackout in the whole area of Kuala Ibai where the in-laws' place situated. Oh Gosh.....what a day! So, what choice did we have? A night at the hotel. The hubby couldnt take the stress of being in the dark, not to mention with annoying mosquitoes around and the heat of the east coast, on top of the fatigue and long hours at the airport.....it was just unbearable.
We were finally settled down at Primula Hotel for the night at 2.30am.
16 Feb 2007
Checked-out from Primula at around 12pm and headed to in laws' old hse in the town. Spent almost the whole afternoon there and headed back to the hse in Kuala Ibai after lunch around 3pm.
17 Feb 2007
All set for the celebration. Had our annual reunion dinner with the Goh family......somehow missed the feeling of being with my own family. A sense of nostalgic feeling filled my heart especially when we were seated on the dinner table. Nevetherless, I overcame the feeling with the thoughts of beloved hubby and son by my side.
18 Feb 2007
Finally...with all the preparations and hoo hah...the day has arrived.......and went.........nothing extra special to write about.......
19 Feb 2007
Returned from Tgg and all set to have a celebration back in KL!
20 Feb 2007
Spent the whole day at parents' place and what else?????? started the gambling session.....hahahahahahha.....made quite a bit from beloved hubby...RM11 to be exact.
21 Feb 2007
An impulsive decision brought us up to Genting Highlands for a fun day at the casino. Went up there together with mom,dad, Jean and hubby. Tried our luck at the Roulette table and mind.......Received quite an ang pow from Uncle Lim. Our biggest ang pow so far.....hahahahahahhahaha......had a sumptuous meal at Gohtong Jaya to celebrate our windfall........Quite a day indeed....
22 Feb 2007
Spent the whole day relaxing at home and doing what we like best....NOTHING. Ahahahahahahahahah
23 Feb 2007
Had a small open house at our place and invited only relatives and close friends. And as usual......."open table"! Some guests went back with big smiles and some....with small holes in the pockets....All in the name of G.A.M.B.L.I.N.G.!
24 Feb 2007
CNY celebration continues with a different twist. Out on a double date for dinner with Maria and Yeoh at TGI Subang Parade. Nothing grand...just for chit chats and a game of football for the men.
25 Feb 2007
Brought the kids (Zach, Natasha & Tze Han) to Kota Permai Club for Lion Dance show organised by the club. Mind.....the kids really enjoyed themselves....not to mention the parents too. Had a great time watching the acrobatic stunts performed by the Malaysian team of Lion Dance. Well, I have to admit that not only did the kids enjoy themselves, so did the mommies and daddies!
Then both mommies (Maria & I) quickly transformed ourselves into 'demure' Malay women to attend a Malay wedding. Hung around for less than 30 minutes before sneaking out. At least we gave face to the host ler.......hehehehehhe
Then we rushed off to another open house by my aunt in Klang. Spent almost the whole afternoon there. Phew.....a hectic day indeed!
All sweaty but it's worth it!
So, I guess it's the end of another year of CNY celebration........till we greet the year of the Mouse next year.....have a good year of the Boar and hopefully it will be as fat as the boar....everything but physically!
oh..invite family and close friends to your house for gambling session but never invite me lah. Not even a single sms from you...hmph!
hello.....you also didnt call me wat! u know u r always welcomed at my place. Anyway, it was a small gathering cos u know my hse is not that big. I'm sure u r not gonna be mad at me for this! ok..lunch on me the next time I see u. Promise!
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