Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking back...

Christmas came....Christmas went.... just like that.

We had a small party on Christmas eve at home with only family members and I must say it was not a bad one afterall *wink*

Had great food, wine, wine and wine.......and of course the company of family members made it all sweet and merry. The pressies were alright....although I've yet to get one from hubby....haha....We shall hav a shopping trip tomorrow (New Year's day) and hopefully, I'll come home with something I wish for! *wink* Hubby's gonna scratch his head pretty hard! hehe

New year's's tomorrow! So, as usual, it's time for us to look back to the past year and reflect on the events that took place. As for me, I'd consider 2008 quite a fruitful and eventful year because much have happened and it changed my life somehow or rather.

Event #1.
I gave birth to my 2nd son, Roy in April. Another addition to the Goh-Yeoh brood. Now, I've got 2 HUGE responsibilities to my shoulders. But it's a such a joy to be able to bring beautiful lives into the world and nurture them with all the love and care as parents. My 2 sons are my greatest love (ahem, ok. apart from hubby, that is) and it makes me shudder to think anything bad should happen to them. I guess that's a mother's natural instinct. Afterall, a mother's duty is to protect her brood! My new year's wish is for the good health of my 2 wonderful kids (and all my loved ones) and may Zach & Roy grow up to be fine young men and bring cheers and happiness to the society. Ok.....I better stop sounding like an old woman~

Event #2.
We moved into our new nest and that indeed made a lot of difference to us in terms of our lifestyle and the surroundings of our new neighbourhood are just fascinating and calming. We just love the serenity here and thought that it's one of the best decisions we ever made in purchasing a property in this area. The kids love it here too! Not to mention friends and family members who visited and shall visit us more often, we hope !

Event #3.
Hubby and I got our eyes lasik-ed! Yup, to think back that we actually got the guts to go thru such surgery and all the risk involved. Well, we went thru it and now we are glad that we did it! The convenience and breeze of not wearing our specs/contact lens anymore just made it all worth the risk taken! Hubby is glad that he can finally get the sunglasses of his choice without having to have the 'eyesight power' coated onto the lens and restricted to only limited choice of sunglasses for that purpose. He could simply grab one from the shelf and wear it there and then! It was indeed another best decision we both made. To have clearer vision for year 2009! haha

Ok. Those events are the major ones that happened...of course there were some tiny, miny events too, which I dont think it's important enough to be mentioned here. And enough of the what's next for 2009? I've got a couple of thoughts/plans for the coming year and hope that they will turn out the way I expect them to. I shall try not to make any resolutions though. (except for #4. hehe) Only simple plans which I hope to make them happen.

#1. Start my own business. There've been a couple of business which ran thru my mind (and hubby's too) for quite some time. Wine, boutique, franchise business on beauty products, fast food, cafeteria, housing projects, just to name a few. Hope I'll be able to blog about the success of at least one of the mentioned business. Wish me luck!

#2. Beautify my garden. Ok. You dont need much plan to do that. But I hope I'll be able to put in some passion into turning my garden into a small sanctuary where we can enjoy the tranquility of nature in our very own home. How? Plant more trees and flowers? We shall see the magic of my creativity. Will blog abt it!

#3. Be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, friend.... Ok. This sounds more like a resolution than a plan now. Whatever.

#4. My resolution every year - Slim down! ....hahaha....I know it's not gonna be easy but I'll try. Sigh. Still a few more kgs to shed. No excuse of being pregnant twice though. Look at Victoria Beckham! Urgh!!!!!

OK. I better stop planning or else I'll be depressed when all these dont happen!

Here's a toast to a better and fruitful year!

May all turns out well for everyone!

Party Smart, people!

Remember: Safety First!

Have fun and see u all in 2009!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Super Sunday

Last Sunday was indeed a DAY.

First, I had a BLAST at Mamma Mia, by West End and it was FANTASTIC! After all the positive and nothing but the best feedback from the media and audience is no doubt one of the best shows I've been to! The feelings of being there were really fabulous and it just got me jiving and humming to all those ABBA tunes all the time!

Then it was hubby's birthday celebration at home. It's also extra special for hubby this year because his parents were around and of course with Roy, celebrating it with daddy for the first time makes it all sweet and memorable.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yuletide Joy

Christmas is here? in less than a week! Wow......and it'll eventually lead to a whole new year once again and that's when all unrealistic resolutions come into picture.....

I remember once making a few resolutions....which sadly weren't fulfilled completely. Well, they are afterall....RESOLUTIONS.....wishful thinking and thoughts that are not going to be penalised if we didnt fulfil them....hahahaha.... So I've come to making the same resolution every year.....which is....NEVER TO MAKE ANY RESOLUTION! haha.....

So, what is Christmas to me? It's always a joyful occasion for me and we celebrate it each year since I knew the meaning of this day. As a matter of fact, Christmas eve to me is even more meaningful than Christmas day itself cos that's the day we look forward to much merriment, family gathering, fellowship with friends and family and of cos what is a complete Christmas without pressies? *grin*

OK....maybe we have diverted Christmas from its true form of meaning...but how can we not when the atmosphere around us are filled with gifts, jingles, carols and nicely decorated trees! It all blends into the traditional meaning of Christmas day - the day Jesus was born to bring hope and cheers to mankind. And that's when we human incorporate the same meaning into our Christmas celebration annually - bringing cheers, happiness and smiles to our loved ones and the unfortunate ones as well. It's the same occasion each year when charities are being done and many smiles are seen upon the faces of children and adults alike. It's also a time when money is being spent with one intention in mind - to see the smile of loved ones when they unwrap to find the gifts they wished for fulfilled :)

Well, Christmas will be somehow different for me this year : -

1. It's gonna be the first Christmas for Roy

2. Hubby invited his family from Tgg to spend the joy with us

3. We are holding a small party at our new nest

4. And of course....more pressies bought this year for everyone attending the much-anticipated gathering in our nest....somehow the numbers of pressies for me to get increases each year.

So, have I done my Christmas shopping? Well, I hope I've got my list completed. And I'm kinda glad that I've somehow got the gifts selected pretty well for each and every family member and friend of mine and whoever you are reading this and getting a gift from me, be thankful! I've makde numerous trips to the malls to ensure I've got the right gifts for all of you.



Saturday, December 06, 2008

Perfect Eyesight

Another life-changing experience for me took place yesterday at exactly 4.20pm.
I got my vision corrected to its original state! Ok....I got my eyes lasered.

Well the exact surgery is called Laser Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) whereby the top flap of on the cornea is lifted up for a while for the utilization of the Excimer Laser to correct one's vision by evening out the curvature of the cornea to achieve a desired correction. Upon completion of the laser procedure, the flap is eventually laid back to its original position over the treated corneal tissue. All this done in not more than 10 minutes! just 10 minutes, my life is totally transformed and more specs, no more contact lenses! A person whose vision needs correction like me would understand perfectly how this change is extremely significant to me!

*I was supposed to have this surgery done a year ago. I had my eyes tested and all and I was finally given the thumbs up for being suitable for the surgery and even had appointment for the surgery confirmed when I found out I was pregnant with Roy and had to hav it postponed til yesterday*

Ok...I wouldnt say that there's not a single sensation of pain throughout my experience during the surgery. I would say that the process whereby each flap of my eye is lifted is somehow stinging and to have each eye opened up forcedfully for at least 5 minutes is not a comfortable feeling at all. But then the tought of discarding the use of my specs n contact lens is too enticing and that helped pulled me through the whole 'quite agonising' procedure.My vision was restored 50% right after the surgery and I was given a sleeping pill to help me rest my eyes for about 3 hours and vision was restored almost 100% after I woke up from my beauty sleep. How pleasant! :) Waking up knowing that I wasnt wearing any contact lenses and yet having a clear vision!

I've forgotten how it feels like to have woken up from sleep each morning with clear vision. As a matter of fact, I think that feeling was like more than a decade ago before I had to get my vision corrected in 1993. I have always hated the idea of beeing seen in my glasses (I dont know why but I just hate the look of myself in glasses) so much so I only wear them when I went to school and needed them when I read from the blackboard. I remember clearly the times when I couldnt wait til I turned 15 when I could finally get to wear the contact lens ( I was told that's the age when one's eyes are suitable for contact lenses. Not sure how true is that but that's the age when I first wore them). And I've never looked back eversince without my ever-trusted contact lens. 13 years of contact lens wearing experience and I'm finally free from all the hassle of buying, changing, soaking, putting-on, cleaning.......u name it....whatever that is needed to maintain the use of contact lenses. Not to mention the times when I had my share of eye infections - watery eye, itchy eye, reddish eye, swollen eye, painful eyes, etc.

And now...I'm finally FREE from all those hassle!!! No more worries of:

1. not bringing enough pairs of disposable contact lenses; the saline water; protein tablets; the case, etc for my vacations ( these were the hassle I had to go thru b4 the invention of disposable contact lenses)

2. misplacing my specs and getting all frustrated for not being able to locate it

3. spending tonnes of money purchasing daily disposable contact lenses in bulks

4. going out with itchy/reddish eyes because of eye infection caused by the contact lenses

5. many many many more woes of not having the perfect eyesight!

Well, please excuse me while I dwell into this new happiness of mine *giggle* .....Please forgive me for feeling this way...afterall it's been a long time since I've had perfect vision in my life and I'm glad it's finally restored and I could enjoy the beauty of life without any aid anymore!

Thanks to the brilliant invention of LASIK!!! *wink*

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weird findings...

I was busy doing some pest control around my hse yesterday evening when I made a weird discovery........ wedding ring right in the middle of my back garden!!

It's weird n shocking cos I remember clearly that I have left the ring in the drawer next t o my bed 2 weeks back and I haven't worn it til...well, the time I found it yesterday cos I was having some rashes on my finger.... So, how the hell did the ring made its appearance in my garden? And how weird is that for me....of all person....ME who found it and no one else? The ring is sure fated to be MINE!

Just when I tot I had a weird day with such finding in the garden....something else happened.....

try figure out wht this is.....

can u figure out wht this is?

no? scroll down.....'s my toe nail! My beloved painted nail. How it happened? Well, I had an accident on my toe while pushing the trolley one day whilst pregnant and it turned black! Then as days and months went by, my nail began to crack and it finally broke into half when I (ironically) kicked my toe onto the wheel of a trolley months after tht. It was a painful and bloody experience....OUCH! From then my nail just refuse to grow properly and I had to have a nail extension done a few times when I did my pedicure. And for whatever reason, the WHOLE nail decided to leave my toe yesterday! The full, whole nail.....the artificial one intact with my natural nail chose to elope together! I'm now left with 9 nicely painted nails with an ugly, unpainted big toe! *nope. no pictures. it's abit gory tho*

Hence, Nov 10, 2008 shall officially be declared as my "Weird Day!"

Nope..I'm not done yet with my ring story....
Weird n funny thoughts ran through my mind the whole night til this morning...

1. Whoever took it must have drop it in the garden in the midst of escaping after stealing it.....(possible)

2. It must have hopped out from my drawer and landed in the garden.....(wild imagination)

3. I must have sleep-walked one night and dropped it.....creepy....

4. A bird came into my room, bit it and flew off with it before realising it's no food, hard, yet heavy and decided to drop it while flying around the garden..... (ok, tht's a bit exaggerating)

5. Zach must have opened my drawer, tried wearing it and went to garden and dropped it without realising it....(yes! tht must be it!) Hmm.....why didnt I thought of that in the first place?

...I did ask him about it this morning and true enough...he admitted taking it but couldnt answer me when I asked him where he left question is finally answered....

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Today - Nov 8....5 years back....

The union of Kathryne & Goh...

5 years after....

and 2 makes 4...


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Damn the virus....

I was damn happy with the mp3 files that I've dowloaded over the weekend, namely Jason Mraz, Natasha Bedingfield and One Republic when this window suddenly popped up and notified me that my computer has been infected with not ONE but over 30 viruses!!!!!!!!
And it's only been barely 2 weeks since I got my laptop!!!!

There I thought that I could rely on the trial verson of the Antivirus that I've got..but somehow it didnt do the work it was supposed to and I'm left with the mp3s that I've wanted but also some extra gifts - those stupid viruses!!!!!!!

And ppl told me that it's ok to have caught some viruses...."Just download the antivirus from the net. Solve your problem. - period_"

No way!!!! my bro in law, whom we all refer to as Dr Computer came to my rescue tht weekend itself. Tried to downlaod the antivirus software that he has but to no avail. Apparently Windows Vista is still pretty new that older versions of antivirus software cannot perform they way they should be on Vista. Double doom for me!

The solution I was told - get a pirated (or cracked) version of the most updated antivirus software from the market and your problem will be solved. It only costs RM10.

So the very day itself (which was yesterday) I made my way to Pyramid to get the thing I was supposed to.
End result - got a genuine antivirus program instead. The salesman somehow managed to convince me with his recommendation of the latest version of antivirus siftware - Kaspersky Internet Security 2009.
Was expecting to spend 10 bucks on the cracked Antivirus 2009, but forked out 130 bucks extra for a genuine one instead. Ouch!

Mission #1 accomplished!

Back home - I couldnt wait to install the cd the minute I got home but not without spending almost 2 hours of putting the kids to sleep and whatever there is to do before I could have some peaceful time of my own. Cut the story short - managed to accomplish mission #2 (disinfecting the viruses) today at ard 3 pm!!! A freaking 5 hours since morning. Not before having some trials n errors of installing and setting up the sofware. Forgive me for I'm an amateur when it comes to rectifying IT problems...... Darn...tht's a very long time to get rid of those unwanted pests in my system! Anyway...all's well now...or so I hope.....looks good to me so far.....tht antivirus better prove its worth for my laptop for the next 1 year. I dont expect anymore harm in my system now that I've spent on the software.

Mr Kaspersky; you better do your magic as what you promised on the cover of the CD! haha

Thru a toddler's mind...

One Monday morning....

Zach (rubbing his eyes) : Where is daddy?

Mommy (still in bed...blur): Daddy went to work

Zach: But I want daddy to stay at home and play with me.

Mommy: Daddy played with you yesterday. Daddy has to work today. He will play with you on Sunday again. Daddy doesnt work on Sundays. Today is Monday.

Drawing the curtain open.... Zach: Look mommy! The sun is up. It's Sunday wat.

Mommy: *speechless* for a few seconds. Well, you are right. The sun is up but it's not Sunday today. Today is Monday.

Zach: *confused but accepted mommy's reply*

The innocence of young kids can sometimes open our eyes for things we never would have thought....

Friday, October 31, 2008

After some donkey months.....

I'm finally back...hopefully for long..........

it's been donkey months since my last blog and I'm glad I've made a comeback.....

And I'm proudly blogging fr my new toy...My new Dell Inspiron Laptop! Got it delivered to my doorstep last Monday (20th Oct 2008)

I've got mine in White...Love every bit of it.......

Pls excuse my excitement for it's the first ever laptop tht I've owned and I hav to admit tht I was quite 'gaga' over it for the first few days tht i've got abt being a 'jakun'...i can be called one!

laptop aside.......

my 2nd boy is now 6 months! and my hands r certainly full with my daily routine of handling a 3-year-old and a 6 months baby. never a day went by without my usual

"Zach...stop it!"

"Zach, pls lower down your voice...Roy is sleeping"

Zach- this, Zach- that.....and it never ends until we call it a day when we hit the sack!

Thats because Zach has been kinda notti lately.....esp when it comes to treating his lil bro. There were occasions where he would pull out Roy's milk bottle during feeding...all just for the fun of it...And making loud thumping sounds whenever lil bro is taking his naps....and at times........he would just squeeze lil's bro's cheeks and hands til the small boy cries...

Sigh....a mother's gotta do wht a mother's gotta do.....stand in the commotion and who gets the punishment? no prize for the right guess tho....
Well, we kinda conclude that perhaps Zach realises the attention given to Roy and he just wanna make scenes at times to get the attention diverted to him. We cant help it at times when we hav to give extra attention to Roy.....cos afterall, he's still a baby. Somehow I've tried my best to give my equal attention to both boys and hopefully Zach will come to his senses and accept the fact that his lil bro might be more demanding than him.

That's my boring life for now....hope I could post more exciting chapters soon.....adios!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What the F@#%?

Aniston : Kenapa botol ini berdiri macam ini?

"Smart maid" : Nak dikeringkan

Aniston : Bukan terbalikkan ke? Macam ini berdiri mana boleh kering? Kena terbalikkan la, air baru boleh menitik keluar.

"Smart maid" : Berdiri boleh, maam. Udara masuk dari atas, kering la.

Aniston : Siapa kata?

"Smart maid" : Saya!

Imagine my horror when she answered me tht? Those close to me know how much I despise my current maid with all the stupidity she possesses and yet refused to admit her mistakes each time I caught her doing silly things or carrying out her duty HER way instead of mine! ANd worst of all is...she thinks she's right in her silly ways of doing things and had the cheeks to argue with me, i.e. this "bottle" case!
More to blog abt this "Smart robot" in my next post!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Crazy mother of 2!

Not a single day went by that I need not use the top of my voice to scream and it at my stupid maid or my mischievious elder son.......
I am indeed a crazy mother of one would believe it that I could be a monster at home....and yet a demure mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend when I step out of the house....muahahaha.......

I've always wanted to blog about my days at home filled with loads and loads of mischievious experience fr my 2 sons and stupid things done by my stupid maid but I just cant find the suitable time to sit and blog about them! Wish I could have more than 24hrs a day and some precious 'ME' time without any disturbance from my 2 chipmunks!

Anyway, I shall not forecast when will my next blog will be posted and here's wishing that my days ahead would be more fulfilling and that they'll get better as my kids grow...esp the Chipmunk #2!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1 Year Younger!

The birthday in 2008 marks another major change in my life....I'm a birthday mother of 2!

It was a simple celebration the day before the exact day when Xiu, Vicky and Nat dropped by with a cute lil cake and a bouquet of white roses for me! I was touched by the thoughtful gesture! Thanks gal! Also to S.May, Kelly, CL (I'm touched by your call all the way fr HK!), and RL for the lovely gift........I'm truly delighted and touched til the bottom of my heart for ur thoughtfulness!

Well, I not only had a cake for my birthday this year - in fact 2! when hubby bought another yummylicious chocolate cake with simple but meaningful wordings on says there "Happy Birthday Mummy! From Zach and Roy!" - my 2 lovely boys!

Needless to say.... I was again touched til the most bottom of my heart!

On another note - It was my very first birthday throughtout my entire life having 2 birthday cakes at the same time! haha.... I know I sound a bit swaku....but it's TRUE!

A bit 'charn' - no make up...still in confinement!

Our first family portrait, which include Roy!


Monday, May 05, 2008

I finally did it!!!

Just 2 days after my "I So Cant Wait to Give Birth" post.........Precious #2 has finally arrived!....DOB 23rd April 2008....yup...16 days earlier than the EDD of 9th May 2008

And I can now happily say that I finally did it.....simply because......I've so-called fulfilled my vow to give birth before I reach the big 30! No more after this....close shop! Production is finally closed!

Precious #2 is officially named Roy Ethan Goh.......nope..Chinese name is yet to be given...will be posted soon when it's chosen...

More to come.......will keep u all updated soon.....signing off now....adios....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bad luck? not only me!

I was reading my frens' blogs after my own posting and found out that 2 of them also met with car accidents last week and this week!
Now...this really got me thinking......we are all of the same age and zodiac - this how the Monkeys gonna end their Pig Year? with car accidents and bad oments?
Not that I'm superstitious...but I cant help thinking about it....May God Bless us and shield us away from the bad oments! what Samantha said...."Thank goodness it's only minor accidents....let them be the ones to 'shoo' away the major ones which might occur!"


CNY? so what?

Same feeling.....same mood.....
I do not need to repost my feelings towards the Lunar New Year celebration this year......I've blogged about it last year and as much as I thought I could at least feel better about the celebration the subsequent year, the same ol' feelings just creeped up in me......the dreadful mood I feel each year......onthe days leading up to our trip back to KT.......

Happened all at once!

Just when I thought all things will go well and am looking forward to the CNY (not that I'm anticipating it that much...) and our getaway holiday to Bali thereafter (yeah! am looking forward mroe to this!)..............the bad vibes just have to happen this week...the final week of the lunar year before the arrival of the Rat year....
But I take it in a stride when Samantha consoled me by saying that "let the small things happen to deter away the big bad oments...." well......I believe in you, Sam! it happened u may ask...hmm..where should I start? it's all jumbled up.....

First of all...just when I thought Zach was finally alright and up and about after a bout of flu and cough he contracted in school..... Daddy said, "Let's break the reacord Zach! Go to school for a whole full week this week!"...I was like "Yeah.....let's break the record man!"
U see...ever since the school started and my boy took his first steps in school, he has never completed a full week of's either a fever, flu or cough! So we thought...for the final week before the end of the month, we are hoping that he could at least complete the attendance without being absent or whatever....

Well,'s not gonna happen anytime soon. He came back with a slight fever....yeah! again! after school on Monday! There goes!!!!!!!! Skipping school again the next day itself!
And just when I thought it's just gonna be a mild fever like any other fever he's got the weeks before........more in store after what happened next.....

Before I continue with Zach's 'exciting' frontier............
I met with a minor car accident on my way back from takign Zach to the clinic! unlucky! to cut a long story short, I knocked the rear side of a Mercedes Benz at a roundabout near my house and all in cost me RM750 for the compensation to the Benz owner and the repair of my own car bumper! Big hole in the pocket......

And just when I thought that the bad luck is finally's not.......AGAIN!!!!! We found some red spots on Zach's hands and legs the next morning (today) and the first thing that struck my mind was Gosh!!! Please dont let it be the Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)...My worst fear was confirmed when we took him to the doctor. Not only that, he is the 3rd HFMD patient the doc saw today and they are all from Zach's school! - The first one reported this year on January 15!
Our first reaction was "how could the school not do anything about it? or at least have the courtesy to inform us, parents? It's been a freaking 2 weeks! Perhaps it could have been prevented if only they took more precaution about it!" And when I called the school, I was informed that 2 of Zach's classmates are confirmed victims of such disease as of today!...Zach being the 3rd one!

Things and fears parents go through........

Now that he's got it.....we cant do much about it as there's no medication or vaccinations for this airborne virus just yet and the only thing we could do for now is to pray and hope that the virus will finally leave his body and that his ulcers and rashes will go off by itself in a week's time!

......Am wondering what else is in store next.............No more please! I'm stressed's not good for my pregnancy!!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy 2008!


I'm way overdue in posting in here but as I was surfing through my fellow bloggers' pages.......nothing much are updated either....guess everyone was busy with the holiday season and couldnt really bother to blog....

Well.....I bet everyone had a great Christmas and New Year's celebration just as I did! not to mention the big holes in the pocket for Christmas and birthday gifts! Well, it's once a year....all for the smiles on the recipients' faces....

As a yearly affair, we had hubby's birthday celebration on the 21st Dec to get the heat of the holiday season started. This year's birthday celebration is an exceptionally emotional and happy occasion for daddy because daddy could finally get to hear Zach wishing him in clear and exact words - "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" with hugs and kisses...That was daddy's best birthday gift!

Christmas parties for me started a few days before the actual date and I must say I truly enjoyed myself this time around, despite the fact that I had a bad wisdom toothache from 21st til 26th Dec! Yeah...I was given the BEST Christmas gift of all, this season....I take it as a punishment from God for not being a regular in church. Nevertheless, I guess He forgave me and alleviated me from the pain a day after Christmas when I got the tooth removed in a small surgery! Anyway, I started to enjoy the season at CL's house where all my close schoolmates gathered and we had a wonderful Christmas gathering there. It was fun and merriment that we shall cherish as we age! This of course, after I dunk in dozens of painkillers to alleviate the agony I was going through 2 days before the gathering.

I managed a sweet smile here despite having a terrible toothache! All thanks to the miraculous painkillers!

The 'angels' of the night - Christmas @ CL's on 23rd Dec.

Well, the celebration was all not too noisy and I am thankful and glad that I got to celebrate the occasion with close family members this time around. We were not around last Christmas and it was exceptionally meaningful this time because Zach is able to wish mommy and daddy "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!" And not to mention, he got to enjoy the celebration this time around and understand more about the meaning of Christmas (of course not the part when Jesus was born and all.....but the part when it's meant to be sharing and giving) He was the happiest of all distributing gifts (on mommy and daddy's behalf) to his cousins, aunties and uncles! Of course also the part when he got to rip off all his gifts and happily playing with the toys he received!

A happy boy @ Christmas...

Didn't know which to open first!

As for the New Year's celebration, it was a quiet and last-minute arranged small party at our friend's place with the kids enjoying themselves with toys and cartoons and the adults with "Pictionary!" Boy, it was almost a decade ago since we came across the game and I must say we really had the night heated up competing between the men and women! Well, the men proved it all that they have got the charm and BRAIN by emerging the winners of the night! We, women consoled ourselves that we did marry the some SMART blokes afterall...hahahaha.
What's a new year celebration without the fireworks? It all ended the way we imagined and here's to another fruitful year! CHEERS!